Our Mission: Educating for Eternity
We at White Creek Lutheran School believe that mind, body, and talents are gifts from God and should be used to serve and glorify Him. We believe it is the God-given responsibility of parents to teach their children all that is needed, so that children might use their gifts and talents as completely as possible. White Creek Lutheran School aims to come alongside parents to support them in this endeavor.
The purpose of St. John’s Lutheran School of White Creek is to provide Christian education so that:
God’s children will know the love of their heavenly Father as demonstrated by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, for their sins and the sins of the whole world;
God’s children will define sin and grace in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, as described in the Lutheran confessions;
God’s children will live lives of Christian faith, worship, and service;
God’s children may develop spiritually, academically, physically, and socially in order to use their talents and skills for responsible Christian service;
God’s children will be prepared for the coming of our Lord and the day of judgement.
For a more complete philosophy statement, please see our Student Handbook under the documents/resources tab. You can also learn more about the teachings of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in the St. John's section of this website.